Marco Claudio, a “Ternano” Emperor of Rome

The Roman Empire

On the 25th of September 275 AD a Ternano became Emperor of Rome. This was Marco Claudio Tacito who was that day acclaimed successor to Aureliano, who had been assassinated. He was 75 years old. Marco Claudio, who after having held important public offices ( he had even been Consul) had by then retired to his house in Interamna ( The name given to Terni then). After the death of Aureliano he was recalled and crowned ” in goodness, in clemency, in justice,in equity, in prudence, in liberality, and in the other Prince’s virtues he exceeded many of his best predecessors”, states Francesco Angeloni in his Historia of Terni.

Marco Claudio Emperor

Despite his age he won the wars against the Persians, begun by Aureliano. It was to be his final satisfaction. He died in 276 about a year after his coronation as Emperor, perhaps due to fevers caught while facing the return journey from Persia or maybe he was killed by his soldiers


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